Metal Rug: Copper, 2016

€ 25.000,00 / 35.000,00
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Metal Rug: Copper , 2016

Largh. 150 Cm
“It all started in 2013 when Andrea Galimberti asked me if I wanted to explore for NODUS the creative borders of the rug, considered as a work of art. I took the challenge up and I decided to exploit metal wires for I conceived my rugs as sculptures and metals are noble materials commonly used by sculptors.Many attempts have been made before achieving the desired results, also because each metal reacts differently to the treatments. Each material speaks its own language and has its own life. They kind of express themselves. Even metals are mutable, they move in their own way. In a way “The secret life of metals” are a paleontological proof of the evolutionary life of rugs. They are like the fossils of those ones that once were rugs.”
Shipped from Italy
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