
Faye Toogood

Valutazione Faye Toogood

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Lotti passati

Faye Toogood

Roly-Poly Dining Chair 1 - Hand painted

A taller iteration of the Roly-Poly Chair, this scoop-seated chair with four plump legs is cast as a single piece of fibreglass, in milky translucent fibreglass [..]

Faye Toogood

Roly-Poly Dining Chair 2 - Hand painted

A taller iteration of the Roly-Poly Chair, this scoop-seated chair with four plump legs is cast as a single piece of fibreglass, in milky translucent fibreglass [..]

Faye Toogood

Roly-Poly Stool 1 - Hand painted

A graphic linear piece, this tapered pedestal stool grows out of a wide base. It is manufactured as a continuous form in raw layered fibreglass. Hand-Painted with [..]

Faye Toogood

Roly-Poly Stool 2 - Hand painted

A graphic linear piece, this tapered pedestal stool grows out of a wide base. It is manufactured as a continuous form in raw layered fibreglass. Hand-Painted with [..]

Faye Toogood

Roly-Poly Dining Table - Hand painted

A graphic linear piece, this tapered ped- estal table grows out of a wide base. Base colour in cream, it is manufactured as a continuous form in layered fibreglass. [..]