
Raquel Quevedo

Valutazione Raquel Quevedo

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Lotti passati

Raquel Quevedo

Souvenir from Southern Crater, Mars

"Souvenir from Southern Crater, Mars” emphasises the impact of digital technologies on the process of creating them as well as their sub- sequent perception and [..]

Raquel Quevedo


"Souvenir from Southern Crater, Mars” emphasises the impact of digital technologies on the process of creating them as well as their sub- sequent perception and [..]

Raquel Quevedo

I never wanted to be a designer 1

"Souvenir from Southern Crater, Mars” emphasises the impact of digital technologies on the process of creating them as well as their sub- sequent perception and [..]

Raquel Quevedo

I never wanted to be a designer 2

"Souvenir from Southern Crater, Mars” emphasises the impact of digital technologies on the process of creating them as well as their sub- sequent perception and [..]