
Sabine Marcelis

Valutazione Sabine Marcelis

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Lotti passati

Sabine Marcelis

Candy Cube Grapefruit

Seemingly solid objects with a magical glowing edge. The unique translucent and highly polished proporties of the material give a magical effect to these multifunctional [..]

Sabine Marcelis

Candy Cube Sky

Seemingly solid objects with a magical glowing edge. The unique translucent and highly polished proporties of the material give a magical effect to these multifunctional [..]

Sabine Marcelis

Off Round Mirror HUE Caramel

In 2013 Sabine Marcelis and Brit van Nerven started collaborating on the project ‘Seeing Glass’ - a series of glass objects resulting from an ongoing study into [..]