A lithographic poster, printed by Leopoldo Baroni Milano. 50x35, framed paper. QUALITY: A, minor traces of humidity on the white margins.
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 28
Antonio Rubino
La Classicissima Milano Sanremo
A lithographic game created to promote Agnesi pasta, 1950. 50x70cm. Linen-backed. QUALITY: B+, small stains on the margins.
€ 150,00 / 250,00
Lot N. 34
Limone Piemonte
An offset poster on paper 1st ed. 1953 printed by Istituto Grafico Bertello, Borgo San Dalmazzo. 100x70cm QUALITY: A-, with creases and signs of wear.
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 76
Avrado Ciriello
Per Qualche Dollaro in Più
A poster for the second episode of the Dollars trilogy by Leone. 198x138cm. QUALITY: A-, small additions made to strengthen the corners. Folded.
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 43
Air India
A promotional statuette in hard plastic from the early 1960s. Printed by Belplast, Riproduzioni artistiche e Lavorazioni plastici pubblicitari - Milan. H 25cm, [..]
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 63
World Cup 74
An original offset poster. 94x68cm. QUALITY: A-, small professional touchup in the centre.
€ 100,00 / 150,00
Lot N. 94
Hugo Pratt
(1927 - 1995)
PAOLO CONTE Modena 1991
An original gig poster for the show at Teatro Comunale di Modena in 1991. 100x70cm. QUALITY: A.
Affisso litografico, 1910. Cm 160x240, in tre fogli separati. Litografia,impresso da De Ricker & Mendel, Bruxelles. QUALITÁ: B-: Marginali rinforzi lungo le piegature, peraltro ottimo esemplare
First edition lithographic poster, 1925. IGAP Officine Grafiche, Genoa. 100x208cm (in three separate sheets). Unusual horizontal poster. QUALITY: A. A near-mint copy. Unobtrusive marginal defects.
First edition lithographic poster on cardboard, 1900 ca. 48x38cm. QUALITY: B. A minimal abrasion in lower right corner, some light defects; overall very good.
An original lithographic poster, 1930, Arti Grafiche Fraccaro San Lorenzo Parabiago (Milan), 100x70cm. QUALITY: A-, inconspicuous defect in the top part of the poster.
A cardboard store window sign, created by Studio Cey for Saiwa, marked 9 April 1963 on the back. 37x31cm. QUALITY: B+, one crease at the bottom and minor cracks at the corners.
A promotional statuette in hard plastic from the early 1960s. Printed by Belplast, Riproduzioni artistiche e Lavorazioni plastici pubblicitari - Milan. H 25cm, QUALITY: A, excellent conditions.
An original lithographic poster, 1957, Comune di Stra Riviera del Brenta, Grafiche Longo e Zoppelli Treviso, 100x70cm. QUALITY: A-, professionally restored.