Furniture Clocks

The Department that organises auctions of clocks, masterworks initially included in Cambi's antiques auctions, was born in 2011, in conjunction with the first monographic auction dedicated to antique and rare clocks. The first sale of the Clocks Department offered an extraordinary selection of floor, table and wall pendulum clocks of French, Austrian, Dutch and English manufacture, from the 16th to the 19th century, an opportunity that showed the full potential of the sector.

Since then, precious clocks have consolidated their presence in the Cambi appointments dedicated to them, gradually increasing the value of the sales and the interest of our passionate customers. Monographic sales are often organized that offer rare masterworks of art from English, French, Austrian clockmaking and, in particular, Viennese clockmaking, a city recognized for the refined and precious clocks made by its craftsmen during the Nineteenth century.

The clocks auctions include many types of decorative clocks including floor, fireplace and wall clocks, cartel clocks, beautiful ebony night clocks or other ebonized woods, tambourine and portico clocks, office clocks, travel cappuccinos and beautiful travel and lantern clocks and many more. Among the items best represented in the Cambi clocks auctions we find the Louis XV, Napoleon III and Charles X watches. Elaborate, with a refined elegance, antique clocks have offered many satisfactions over the years. Among the lots in evidence in clocks auctions are the monumental Religieuse clock signed by Balthasar Martinot in Paris, France 17th century sold for € 28,850, the nocturnal clock with ebonized case, Genoa, 17th century, sold for € 54,000. Also relevant is the sale of the 1785 English-made astronomical clock with wooden tripod support and slate top with Copernican planetarium, sold for € 38,000 and the table clock in white marble, black marble and bronze, Louis XVI, France, 18th century, work sold for 27,000.

Do you want to sell a pendulum or an antique clock? You possess a rare or antique clock for which you'd like a free quote? The experts of Cambi Casa d’Aste are at your disposal for free and no-obligation evaluations for the master clocks in your possession. Contact us for more information or fill out the online valuation form to receive an initial quotation of the assets in your possession.
Department Auctions
Top Lots

The Best Awards

Orologio Religieuse monumentale firmato Balthasar Martinot a Paris, Fr [..]

ricca cassa in rovere lastronato con ebano e argento a struttura archi [..]
€ 28.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio in bronzo dorato con elefante, Francia, Causard Duroy, XIX secolo

una scultura di elefante in bronzo a patina scura sorregge la cassa cilindrica dellโ€™orologio in bronzo dorato che รจ sormontata a sua volta da un cines [..]
€ 28.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio a portico in marmo e bronzi, Francia 1780 circa

marmo bianco, nero e lastronato con marmi rosati, struttura a tempiett [..]
€ 26.350,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola lastronata in ebano e bois de rose, Roma XVIII secolo

un cassettino alla base, ricche applicazioni di bronzi dorati, cm 38x1 [..]
€ 22.600,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola da camino in bronzo dorato e cesellato. Francia XIX secolo

Raffigurante Telemaco alla guida di una quadriga sotto protezione di A [..]
€ 19.475,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio Cartel Luigi XV in bronzo Baptiste Paillon, Paris, XVIII secolo, cm 46x33x12
€ 18.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio in legno intagliato e laccato raffigurante il mito del pomo d [..]

cm 70x25x104Questo inedito, imponente e sontuoso orologio, strutturato [..]
€ 18.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio notturno con cassa ebanizzata, Genova XVII secolo

timpano spezzato sormontato al centro da voluta in bronzo, Quadrante in rame con dipinto ad olio raffigurante allegoria della morte che porge le ore d [..]
€ 18.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio โ€œtamburinaโ€ in ottone dorato, Germania, cassa del XV secolo

Cassa a tronco di cilindro con decoro inciso a motivo vegetale. Quadra [..]
€ 17.600,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola "la Nourrice Africaine". Francia, inizio XIX secolo, da J. Cro [..]

Il soggetto, del tipo "au bon sauvage", raffigura una moretta che sorr [..]
€ 15.100,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola da tavolo in bronzo finemente cesellato e dorato al mercurio. [..]

Base a rettangolo allungata e stondata, guarnita da cestini e ghirland [..]
€ 14.475,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola da tavolo con cassa in bronzo dorato e cesellato. Germania XIX [..]

quadrante smaltato a numerazione romana per le ore e araba per secondi [..]
€ 11.975,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio notturno in legno ebanizzato, Stefano Panatti, Venezia 1659

quadrante in rame dipinto con S.Gerolamo, meccanismo firmato, cm 32x25 [..]
€ 11.350,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola da tavolo in bronzo dorato con figura maschile e botte, Franci [..]

quadrante smaltato con numerazione romana in nero, cm 29x14x30
€ 10.100,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola da tavolo a lira Carlo X in bronzo dorato, Francia XIX secolo

due figure di cigni affiancano il quadrante il bronzo dorato con numer [..]
€ 10.100,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola da parete in bronzo dorato. Francia, Barbier Lejeune, inizio X [..]

cm 68x30 quadrante smaltato a numerazione romana per le ore e araba pe [..]
€ 10.100,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio ostensorio in bronzo e rame inciso, dorato e argentato, Germa [..]

base ottagonale poggiante su piedini schiacciati, fusto a balaustra, m [..]
€ 9.475,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio in legno intagliato con moretti, XVIII secolo

quadrante smaltato con numeri arabi in nero, cm 45x13x50
€ 9.475,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio notturno, firmato Gio Pietro Callin a Genova. Genova XVII sec [..]

cassa in legno ebanizzato, meccanica a verga in bronzo dorato, cm 50x3 [..]
€ 9.475,00
Amount including auction fees

Marescialla in bronzo dorato con custodia in legno, Francia, Robert & [..]

quadrante smaltato con numeri arabi in nero, altezza cm 20
€ 9.100,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola da terra con automi, Jan Bernink (1735-1795) Amsterdam 1780 ci [..]

cassa lastronata, filettata ed intarsiata con base a plinto ed angoli [..]
€ 8.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Grande orologio Impero da tavolo in bronzo dorato, Francia XIX secolo

con scultura raffigurante antico romano in bronzo brunito, cm 53x17x80
€ 8.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio ad edicola in bronzo dorato, Germania XVIII secolo

scappamento a bilancere, suoneria ore a passaggio, cm 34x16x16
€ 8.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio da tavolo in bronzo dorato con cavallo al passo su piedestall [..]

sulla groppa bardatura regge la cassa cilindrica del quadrante sormont [..]
€ 8.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio Tete de Poupee, Francia, Louis Baronneau a Paris, XVII secolo

Cassa in boulle rosso, quadrante dorato e argentato, scappamento a ver [..]
€ 8.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola da tavolo con moretto, Francia XIX secolo

cassa in bronzo dorato e a patina scura, un moretto trasporta sulla sc [..]
€ 8.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Grande orologio in bronzo dorato con smalti e paste vitree. Timothy Wi [..]

€ 8.850,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio marescialla, Francia, Le Roy et Fils, XVIII secolo

Cassa in bronzo dorato, scappamento a verga, suoneria ore e quarti a g [..]
€ 8.225,00
Amount including auction fees

Pendola cartel Luigi XV con mensola. Edme-Jean Causard, Parigi, second [..]

Ricchi decori in bronzo dorato a volute e volatili, quadrante a cartou [..]
€ 8.225,00
Amount including auction fees

Orologio ad edicola, Germania XVII secolo

Cassa in bronzo dorato, quadrante in argento, scappamento a bilanciere [..]
€ 8.100,00
Amount including auction fees
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 10:20:29 +0000
2024 First Half: Results and Top Lots
With sales of about 21,200,000 euros and more than 8,600 lots sold in 60 auctions, Cambi closes the first half of 2024 looking optimistically to the future. Excellent results [..]
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 10:02:25 +0000
Important Judicial Auction at Cambi’s!
Important Competitive Sale of Assets of Preventive Concordat No. 8-2019 - Court of Naples, ALMA S.p.A. Employment Agency On July 30, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., Cambi will hold [..]
Fri, 28 Jun 2024 09:51:38 +0000
The Franzoia Mansion: Culture, Knowledge and Love of Beauty
Italian Mansions, one of Cambi's most anticipated Genoese auctions, returns on Thursday, July 4, 2024, in the evocative setting of Mackenzie Castle in Genoa with a new [..]
Matteo Cambi

Matteo Cambi
