Aldo Tura

Aldo Tura

Evaluation Aldo Tura

Aldo Tura Valuations - Want to sell a Aldo Tura piece? Request a complimentary and confidential valuation!Cambi Casa d'Aste will review your submission and offer a free-of-charge estimate, if your item is suitable for our auctions.
Aldo Tura was a renowned Italian artist and designer who made a significant impact on the world of furniture design. Born in 1909 in Lombardy, Italy, Tura was a visionary who created unique and timeless pieces that continue to inspire designers today.

Tura's passion for design began at a young age, and he went on to study at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. After completing his studies, he started his career as a painter, but soon discovered his true calling in furniture design.

Tura's designs were characterized by their elegant simplicity, clean lines, and use of high-quality materials. He was particularly known for his use of parchment, which he used to create stunning pieces that were both functional and beautiful.

Tura's work was highly sought after by collectors and designers alike, and his pieces were featured in some of the most prestigious galleries and exhibitions around the world. His designs were also favored by celebrities and royalty, including the likes of Audrey Hepburn and Princess Grace of Monaco.

Despite his success, Tura remained humble and dedicated to his craft. He continued to create innovative designs until his death in 1963, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire designers today.

In conclusion, Aldo Tura was a visionary artist and designer who revolutionized the world of furniture design. His unique and timeless pieces continue to inspire designers and collectors around the world, making him one of the most influential designers of the 20th century.
Past lots

Aldo Tura

Tavolo basso

Struttura in legno con rivestimenti in pergamena. Vano apribile portabottiglie rivestito internamente in cristallo specchiato. Piano in metallo. Prod. Tura, Italia, [..]

Aldo Tura

Carrello bar con struttura e piani in legno rivestiti in pergamena colorata, particolari in ottone e [..]

Prod. Tura, Italia, 1960 ca.

Aldo Tura

in the style of

Mobile contenitore

Struttura in legno effetto radica lucidata e base in metallo cromato. Prod. Italia, 1970 ca.